Gigi James’ touching and comical novel, “I Didn't Sign Up For This!” travels back through the outrageous memories of the young physician assistant, Jillian Moulton. Jillian recalls her happiness, hardships, and heartaches with her friends and family, particularly her life with her ex-husband, Tony Moulton. Tony was a dreamboat. The wealthy, confident, gorgeous Jamaican had such blatant appeal that every woman within a 10 mile radius was trying to land him. Though life appeared ideal with her beautiful husband and their new family, Jillian’s reality quickly unraveled with her discovery of the audacious affairs her husband was having with not one, but four women. The young mother is torn between her contempt for his unacceptable behavior and the undeniable comfort and draw of her “perfect” husband and the fantasy lifestyle he represented. After continuous confrontation, battle after battle of ridiculous logic and pagesous perspective on the game of life.