There seems to have been a time at which sentient beings have not escaped from the dungeon of individuality. In the East, liberation was elaborated into a fine art, but it may be doubted whether more people may not have made their escape from solitary confinement outside the organized religions than by means of them. In the West reintegration was sporadic but in recent years it has become a widespread preoccupation. Unfortunately its technical dependence on oriental literature- sometimes translated by scholars whose knowledge of the language was greater than their understanding of the subject-has proved a barrier which rendered full comprehension laborious and exceedingly long. There it appears to be essential that such teaching as may be transmissible shall be given in modern idiom and in accordance with out own processes of thought. Enlightenment and the Extinction of 'Me' It: On Realizing the Mind This Phenomenal Absence Potential Reality Potential Being Seeking the Seeker